The following is an excerpt from an article by Jeffrey Glassberg, president of the North American Butterfly Association, from the 1995 Fall issue of American Butterflies:
A major purpose of NABA is to encourage people to enjoy butterflies to have fun. Some people love butterfly gardening, others focus on photography or pursue a big list, while still others relax by observing butterflies at play. NABA tries to help you derive greater pleasure from all of these activities. Obviously, none of these activities would be possible without the butterflies themselves, thus by necessity we become butterfly conservationists…
I urge you to become active in your local NABA chapter, if one already exists, or to take the initiative and form a NABA chapter in your area. Not only will you and like-minded people have a great time, but the butterflies will thank you.
When you join NABA not only will you support the organization on the national level, you will also be supporting your local chapter. With your membership you will receive American Butterflies, a quarterly publication filled from beginning to end with beautiful color pictures and helpful articles about butterflies, and Butterfly Garden News, also a quarterly publication.
Please print the membership application form and mail it and pass it along to friends and acquaintances that might be interested in NABA.